Lowell City Manager asked to meet with health leaders

By ALANA MELANSON | amelanson@lowellsun.com | Lowell Sun

Resident Bobby Tugbiyele, who spoke in favor of the motion, asked that nonprofits and other community-based organizations be included in the discussion and a greater strategy around the diversity and multiculturalism of Lowell.

“I believe this might have been an honest oversight but, in the spirit of intentionality, it is critical that these conversations and partnerships are as inclusive and representative of the diversity of our city,” he said.

Tugbiyele said statistics have shown throughout the pandemic that African-Americans, Hispanics and Asians are disproportionately affected by COVID-19, and new numbers released by the Centers for Disease Control show Black Americans and other people of color are dying at higher rates than previously reported.

Councilor Sokhary Chau supported the motion and agreed with Tugbiyele that nonprofits should be included. Councilor Daniel Rourke said he felt nonprofits have already been involved and he didn’t want the motion to be seen as disparaging to the extraordinary efforts the city has undertaken in response to the pandemic.

Conway said he meant no negative connotation to the motion, and that it was just meant to keep people apprised of the “incredible job” the city has been doing in the face of changing circumstances. No changes were made to the motion before it passed.


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